— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XXX: There was a case yesterday. I put the car in the yard and always put a paper with a number under the glass.

In the morning, I am called and asked to replace the car, because builders have arrived and are going to arrange excavations.

Well, okay, I went out and changed, but because I was sleepy, I did not pay attention to the fact that I went to the neighboring yard, where the shlagbaum was, but at the time of my passage it was just open.

In the evening, I go pick up the car and I see that the shlagbaum is closed.

I press the call button - zero attention.

I go to another shlagbaum, there is a challenge, the controller answers. I say I want to leave, he says I want to leave only on passes. I tell him that I accidentally got into their yard and I don’t have a passport.

At this, the controller tells me that these are my problems and they do not release local ones.

Honestly, I was out for a minute. I tell the controller that they don’t have to hold me, the controller just threw the phone.

I stand and pick 102 approaches a aunt and asks what I am doing here, I explain to her that I accidentally got into a strange courtyard and want to leave, she tells me that I lied and specifically went to her courtyard and that now nobody will let me go. Word by word, a verbal conflict began, a team of alkashi came to her, who began to scream at me with her.

As a result, she used to fight, pushed her away from herself, caused mentions, wrote a statement and left.

Yyy: Just a fucking shit (sorry)!! This is a shit, an ordinary courtyard, not a regime object.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna