— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was cold, I decided to work in front of the NH and took the halter at home, it was necessary to assemble (montage, solder, disassemble, plug in the body) 20 special timer, and they look simple, a transformator, 4 buttons, small details and 4 large such red indicators, as in American movies, on bombs. Well, I did everything, went for the bodies, naturally not to waste time and collect everything in place, took the timer with me, stuck in the backpack and went. The stop at which I went out is against the CB where I was driving, but between them, what you think, the most of our square, like your red, in us it is called the square of independence, it is such a cool place that there are up to 3 monuments ^___^, and even under the NG a large tree is placed, naturally full of people, devor and mint. Apparently I looked too suspicious with a big backpack, and a bunch of mints called me.
Tagged with: F.I.O Show me what is in the backpack; and I did not suspect anything, I was happy that I ended earlier)
I open the backpack, from there on the menta brightly lights the timer sheets and the time on them goes (they work from cr2032 batteries), and I am so pretty at this time: Well, the hole to NG must be finished.
I just broke my hand :(
Happy New Year Fuck!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna