— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №154659
I went to the institute (with the aim of going to the evening after classes for training). I met a girl, we talked... she goes home from class, as if the conversation is glued up and you can leave the back for a subsequent meeting. (The event takes place on the day before the celebration.) I think, so, in the evening training - I can't miss (as the coach said: if a girl interferes with the sport - throw a girl), so, further... tomorrow is a pre-holiday day, in the evening they got to drink with friends, the girl is inappropriate to be drunk at once to call, to postpone the desired meeting for the afternoon unwillingness, and tomorrow in the afternoon I am close as you need to go off shoes to buy... I asked her to go with me to choose shoes ))) agreed... We live 21 years, married 19, 3 children...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №154658
We go to the electricity station. Sitting in front of a man. Dukan from him - the ogo-go: a mixture of garlic and "Belomora".

My dog is in full shower, driving with his nose, trying to realize - what a cloud of onyism is nearby.

The man looked at her and said:

“What? Do I smell like a dog?”

Damn, man, I’d rather have a dog smell :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №154657
10-12 years ago it was necessary for a large foreign company to do a project in the marketing sphere. I was on the side of the service provider. A big boss from the customer wanted to get a refund from our office (surprisingly and unusual of course 😄). The owner of our company sent me to these informal negotiations. I said I’m going to be “from Fedor,” like a password. This was the first unofficial relationship. At the meeting, the employer’s director insisted on calling me Fedor. A couple of times I tried to correct that I was Vitaly of Fedor, but he persistently continued. Well...Hz, maybe the corrupt is encrypted, maybe he needs it. Then I conducted all the official affairs with that company for another couple of years precisely as Fedor. Everything was good for everyone. Then the contract was closed and there was no reason to communicate.

It’s been seven to eight years, I’m sitting at a meeting at another big company, we’ve been working for six months, we’re solving some difficult issue. Nothing goes well. Everyone is really tense, negotiations are entering an impasse. I decided to take a break and breathe out. And the customer side says that they will now attract a very large boss to the negotiations, because the contract needs to be revised, other departments involved, and for this, in order not to delay, it is better to immediately attract the boss and talk. It will be easier to think and decide. While they were waiting for the director and drinking coffee, I went to the relaxation room. After relaxing, washing and refreshed, I return to the negotiation. Their new boss is already in the situation. He begins to introduce me: Here is the project manager...

He looks away from the monitor and sees me and his face blows up in a smile (that’s the director from that old office): Oh, good morning, Fedor! Now I am sure that we will find a solution with such a professional.

Fuck, thank you, I didn’t get into the movie. The process of convincing him that I Vitaly took a while. All the participants in the process looked at us very closely. I was confused with someone in the team for years. And he still seems to think I’m some kind of a spy who changes passports and names for every project. I can’t believe he just stumbled.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №154656
Xxx: I remember, at 15-16 years, somehow in a hurry narval leaves from an apple tree, dried, then carefully cut small, twisted into a sliced paper from cookies type K Tea, a cotton filter sprinkled, sprinkled some dish with the inscription Cigar and hid somewhere in the basement. Three years later, and more, the basement was dismantled from the basement, and this absolutely unsuitable smoking cane (one and a half centimeters in diameter) fell from somewhere out of the mud. I said for some reason that it wasn’t me. And after a while I thought it was just an apple, you could just admit.)

Yyy: Here’s you... And then my dad sat down, pressed an apple leaf and thought he wasn’t crying.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №154655
Silence is easy to distinguish. They usually shrink with an echidic look.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №154654
Of greed and greed, or good returns.

Very long succeeded.

In addition to financial consulting and auditing, our small company carries out the affairs of other organizations and entrepreneurs. So one of them, a kind of, but in principle an adequate owner of "factories, factories, newspapers, steam ships", the accompanying direction of activity was the rental of premises, mainly in the center of our city. Barin himself (his calling between us) lives and has a business where he knows. He is in Moscow, then in Germany, then in Krasnodar... We have met him in the eyes twice, like peers, and despite the social gap between us, he always asks our director to resolve his affairs through me. Probably because, apart from the driver, I was the only man in the team. Let your lawyer come and decide that yes, he wrote a mandate on me, a stamp, well, and I am like a person who is unwilling, at the request of the director, I sometimes waver on his affairs.

So, because of this pandemic recently closed the branch of the bank, which for 10 years rented a room from the baron. The director somehow says, "Now Barin will call you back, decide his hoodies, then tell me what the gentlemen want." Barin elaborately explains the situation, said the branch is coming, all his needed to take out, you have to go to take the room, sign the act of reception-transmission, all the mess, which will suddenly remain in the room, throw out (organize), say I will then make a major repair, let nothing interfere.

I seemed to have gotten up, and even wanted to blast, but without transition, he appreciated my service and I was excited.

I come to place. In the almost empty room walks a beautiful manned lady, shows me that everything is cleaned, washed, but here is the bank-wrapped barrel left, which tomorrow morning the hired cargoers will come to load and take away. A baraklo is: A huge massive oval office table of three and a half meters, weighing probably half a tonne (it is old and heavy, for landfill), a huge split-system (mole broken, for landfill), iron shelves (they are old, in places dotted, also for landfill). Then he opens a small room and says, “This is a former server room. Our idols took everything they needed, there were some iron, wires, boxes, all the old and also everything to the garbage!" The lady extends to me a business card and money. This, he says, is the coordinates of the carriers and their payment for the export of the barrel, said Victor (it is Barin) said that you (it is me) will decide everything."

I am not in trouble, but I am not very removed from the ground. What would be the face not to lose such a type of carelessly asking: "And exactly everything on the trash, things are whole, and the server?" The lady looked at me from the top down (seems like an idiot) and said with a smile, "Take yourself if you need it all." I was covered up with flies, it was somehow uncomfortable, and it was uncomfortable to be in the status of a poor man in front of a woman (although a straw).

We signed the acceptance act and it was removed. Here I stand in the middle of the room and I understand that no matter how there is, the remaining "barrel" I do not need, but someone of my own will be useful, it is a pity for me to throw everything away.

I call my son (19 years old), he’s not a hacker, but he’s friends with someone there who understands the computer glands. He explained that there is a written server room that needs to be evaluated before the evening, and that he would like to take it for free until it was thrown out. Then I explained once again that the bank that comes together is a whole server “Yes, a server! How do I know what is there! Two glass cabinets, in them something like routers, boxes with holes, wires, hernia all kinds! All, I’m waiting!” 10 minutes later, 4 voltts were added to the server. They are standing, watching, silent, looking around. Then so cautiously, “What can you take?” and like hungry children look at me, with longing hope. Well, I almost burst from the importance and protective generosity that came upon me. I grew up 5 centimeters!

All of it!

All right, all right?! to

All of it! Just do not rush and be careful so that no one is running the current.

How my son looked at me. As in the second, after...

It should have been seen! It’s like twelve friends of Oushan live! As commanded by the FAS, smoothly, quickly, they resolve something, shout at each other, and like ants pull the hernia into the car.

The cabinet does not put them in the car. Daddy!! Can I take yours? It is no longer in our place!!! to

And again hungry eyes with hope, even prayer!

Please do not load my car!!! In the luggage compartment, if anything, you will take the roof on the roof of the house.

It’s like in a movie or cartoon about a cave with riches – you can see that they want to take everything and immediately, but nowhere, does not climb, bl... do not take everything! and must! I want to!

It was funny to watch their healthy greed, so sweaty, their eyes angry, or suddenly take away their toys! I humbly think, “Here are the fools! Naughty is all that!”

And to me, just gently on the soul, that the son has done a pleasant thing, maybe his authority a little raised, and maybe his authority in the eyes of friends too. Especially because I did not have to do anything specifically.

Everything was cleanly pulled out, in the car rumbled, approached, stood, mocked, said, well? Have we chased? Let’s go, I say. They shaken my hand, “Thank you! “Thank you very much!” the boy hugged.

How great it is to be generous! I was broken from feelings!

I remembered! And the table? And the split? The Stallions...

I call a class neighbor on the plot, he recently built a pavilion, a little less than a house. It looks like empty. I say, “There is a table, but it is huge and heavy. There are shelves, iron, office. If you have time to take out before the evening, take the tools and someone else, look for a car of the type Gazel cargo or larger and urgently at the address. I dropped the table picture.

After a second, he calls back and says, “Hold the table!!! Don’t call anyone anymore!! I am running!"We arrived in three with the test and Vitko, a useful alkas our local.

Pasha (the neighbor) saw the table, lay down on it with his hands spread out and whispered, "Oh, the crazy! Here you found your mother! The ONE! of mine!”

And again I stand, and indulgingly watch old men with glassy eyes from excitement, convulsively dismantle this monstrous capital, then the shelves. As if they were afraid, but no matter how they changed their mind, they did not take away.

And for me, just kindly on the soul, that the neighbor did a pleasant thing, maybe his authority raised a little. Especially because I did not have to do anything specifically.

They disassembled the table, loaded it, approached, shook my hand, “Thank you! “Thank you!” the neighbor hugged.

How great it is to be generous! I was broken from feelings! And I say so carelessly, “Pash, and you won’t take the split system? Looks unworkable, but you’ll see. Do you have a store with a warehouse on the outskirts?” and I point to Split. They were so excited with the test! “Thank you? “Take it off!” and they scattered the scatter.

It is funny to watch their healthy greed, as sweaty, angry eyes, or suddenly take away toys! I humbly think, “Here are the fools!”

In the morning, the carrier was not needed. Only a cleaner from his office brought for cleaning.

But! This is not the end of my story about healthy greed!

One day after three, the son approaches and says: "There Max's grandfather recently died, left them with their mom a house in the suburbs, which they want to sell later. There is something like a workshop there. So the grandfather, before leaving, asked the tool from the workshop not to sell or throw away, but to put it in "good skilled hands". Max said these glands are on the side, he doesn’t understand anything about them, and you’re like you’re mastering all the time, so you might see, you’ll take something, if you like it.”

I think, well, what can the old grandfather have valuable interesting? Yes, I also seemed to have everything in the set of tablespoons, but I went to see.

I go into an old but strong carpenter workshop and...

It is like in a cave sim-sim for the maniac of the carpenter-sleeper: ideally, by rank, as in the exhibition hangs on the walls hammer-mortar, pile-pile, pile-nappyles, tails-toporiki, knives-dolot-stameshki, keys by caliber, at the corners of the carpenters, encapsulations, presses, screws... In short, ALL-all that you can only want and come up with. I open the cabinets, and there are roadside, almost branded perforator, drill, screwdriver, disk saw, milling machine, rubber, love and again at the ranch of the drill, milling all kinds... I have a breath sperm, greed directly wrapped the mind, I understand that it is necessary to behave solidly and restrained, but I feel that I was confused.

All of it!

All right, all right?! to

I don’t need it, but you need it. Moreover, you all helped us with the components when you gave the server.

Now I felt all the feelings I laughed at when the obaltus and Pasha with the barrachlo test were taken out of the bank. I kept as hard as I could, but I was sure that from the outside I looked like a messy man who, with excited eyes, gathered wealth in the workshop and dragged it into the car like a ants. It is also good that Max and his son helped a little and went somewhere, or I was straight at them, somehow complexed. I collected tools and thought about myself: "Thank you grandfather, don't worry there, everything fell into reliable hands, everything will be useful in the business, I will be grateful to you for such a gift!"

I went to my grandfather's place three times, took out almost everything, and would have pulled everything out, but I have nowhere to go. Verstack, tiles, tables, cabinets have been taken away, he has his own workshop.

Now I liberated the wall and part of the garage, I hanged my grandfather’s wealth by his method, by the rank, by the order, as in the museum or at the exhibition. The tool and its own and gifted beautifully arranged. Soon I will call the neighbor Pasha with the test for a presentation, let the officers!

I wish everyone at least once in their lives to open their cave with the "wealths" that are valuable to you and collect them in full, until full satisfaction.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154653
My mom told me to always pretend, because men try.

And my dad told me that you can’t try, women still pretend.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154652
I had a classmate who didn’t like to read. Well, she read something, but rarely and reluctantly. School tasks on a liter also did through a pen-colloid, the set - the maximum read in a chrestomatia, compositions or written, or written on a scroll... But WIM read it entirely. I was suffering, thinking, but I read. The reason was that she wanted to know what Natasha and Lieutenant Rzhevsky actually had there. There are jokes, but I want to know where they came from. And here she read. And I realized that there was no lieutenant in the WIM. At the time, it was, in my opinion, the biggest break in her life :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna